Sunday, 26 November 2017

Scottie Dogs Christmas Prep

Here we are again, I seem to be just managing a post a week at the moment. It's so lovely to see I have a new follower too, hello.

I've been trying to have a bit of a tidy up and declutter this week in preparation for the Christmas decorations going up next month. I found some things that are no longer used, needed or wanted, so put them on eBay. I'm not sure if they'll sell or not, they have a week and will be donated to a local charity shop if they don't go. I do try to be ruthless, but I'm an old sentimentalist at heart so I'm not very good at it. I decided it was time to say goodbye to one of my craft totes/bags, it's just a small one that I often have sitting next to me on the sofa with some ongoing project or another in it (as well as my other paraphernalia such as notebooks, pens, crochet hooks, tissues and my phone). I added it to the charity pile when Andy commented 'oh, are you getting rid of that', so that made me wonder if he thought I shouldn't, oh no, will I regret it once it's gone. I was very good and let it go... am I the only one who has trouble letting things go, forming attachments to 'things'?

I found this blanket in one of my cupboards. it had an awful lot of ends that needed sewing in. It seemed a shame to leave it languishing in there, taking up precious storage space. Out it came and I spent a hour or 2 sewing and weaving in all the ends.

I'm glad I spent the time doing it, I'm really pleased with it now and know a little girl who will enjoy wrapping herself up in it on chilly afternoons.

I've also been making some other preparations for Christmas. I need to make some pretty bunting with blue in it, also for a special little girl. I found some fabric in my stash with pretty blue flowers and little paisley patterns.

It's all cut out and waiting to be stitched up.

I've made this sweet little scottie dog for Christmas too. I cut 2 dogs out in felt and stitched them together with a blanket stitch. Gently stuffed them and also put in a small muslin bag that I stitched and filled with lavender. This little chappie smells quite divine and is just the thing to hang in a wardrobe or on a hook somewhere.

I think I shall make some more in different colours.

Thank you for popping by and please stop and say hello.

Take care


  1. The Scottie lavender bag is a great idea, much nicer than a boring square. something else to add to my "want one" list.
    I don't have any problem removing unused things, but sometimes a few weeks later I find myself searching for some random item.

    1. I think that’s why I find it hard to throw things away, what if I need it again x

  2. Sweet scottie dogs.
    I too cant part with anything, you never know when you might need it. I really need to try harder and clear out next year - I will be tough on myself.

  3. I love your little Scottie dogs, they're so cute. I'm just the same, I keep things just in case they'll come in for something in the future, but I've been quite ruthless over the last year or so, going though each room in turn, clearing out drawers and cupboards, and getting rid of so much stuff. I've made quite a bit on Ebay too. The blanket's lovely, it was definitely worth sewing in all those ends.

    1. I’m not very good with selling on eBay, bit hit and miss with selling things really x

  4. Last year we moved from a house to an apartment that was 1/2 the size. We got rid of a lot of stuff and I couldn't really afford to be sentimental.

    Once we buy a house here in Philadelphia, I'm sure I will buy a few special things for our "forever" home.

    I LOVE those little scottie dogs. They are adorable.

    1. I would definitely struggle if I had to half everything, I’m sure you can’t wait for your forever home x

  5. The blanket is lovely. There are some great colours and patterns in it.
    A good clear out is needed here too! X

    1. Thank you, it seemed a shame to just leave it in a cupboard x

  6. Beautiful work, as always, Cheryl. I love that fabric. You make the prettiest things.

  7. Your projects are so wonderful. The little Scottie dog is so cute. I bet you are thrilled to have that blanket completed. It sure will be loved.

    1. Thank you, yes I’m glad the blanket is finally finished x

  8. Oh the little Scottie is so cute.
    That can be a pain sewing in all those ends. I try to do it as I go along but don't always do it.

    1. I always seem to leave it to the end, then have a sewing in marathon x

  9. Love that colourful blanket and the Scottie dog is so very sweet. Good luck with the selling of your 'unwanted' things.

  10. We have downsized several times and I had to be ruthless with sentimental items! Your little dogs are cute as can be and lavender is one of my fav scents!

  11. The blanket is beautiful and I love the blue of your bunting.
    I wonder if I could make Smudge smell any better if I sew a little satchet of lavender and insert it. Ooooh he's a stinky boy
    Is the Scottie dog a die or a template? I rather like him.

    1. I know what you mean, our dogs could often do with a bit of lavender! The Scottie is a Sizzix plus die x

  12. Just catching up on your posts Cheryl. Your blanket is gorgeous & that scottie dog is so cute. I can almost smell him from here!!

  13. Love the little Scottie dog, so cute!
    Well done on tackling the dreaded ends! the blanket looks lovely

  14. You are so crafty! Love all the different colours in your blanket. Your Scottie dogs are adorable.
    Have a good week.

  15. I love the scented scotty dog! Your blanket is lovely! I'm glad you finished it. I am working on some old cross stitch I've had for SO long. It's fun to pick things up after a long while.
    I know what you mean about second guessing ourselves when we give things away to charity. I always look through the sacks one more time to make sure (this happens at the drop off location!)
    Great post, kind Cheryl.

    1. Thank you, picking up an old project can feel like starting a new one sometimes x

  16. The Scottie lavender bag is adorable. I think that it could also be used as a finishing touch when wrapping special gifts. And I'm glad you finished the blanket, it it is colorful and happy, it deserves to be used.

    1. Thank you, it’s nice that all the blanket work wasn’t wasted x

  17. I'm another one who has trouble getting rid of things but I know I just have to or my place would soon be too cluttered!!
    Love the little Scottie dog.

  18. I think the Scottie dog lavender 'bag' is a brilliant idea, they look so good and smell so good!
    Pleased you finished the blanket, the colours are just lovely together.

    Have a good week, they seem to go by so quickly don't they.

    All the best Jan

    1. The weeks fly by, I don’t seem able to adjust to fast time passes by x

  19. I do have problems with 'letting go', too. I pack things up and if I don't use them within a certain amount of time, I donate them. It helps that they are already packed :) Love your colorful blanket - such a sweet gift, as are all your sweet little creations! The bunting and Scotty dogs are wonderful, too! xx Karen

    1. That’s a good idea, packing items first. I’m trying to use the haven’t used it for a year rule x

  20. The scented Scotty dog is too cute! I'm also a fan of the pretty colours of your crochet blanket. I can be ruthless when I declutter clothes, etc., but it's always hard for me to part with my tea pretties!

    1. Thank you, I think it’s my crafty things I find hardest to declutter x

  21. Hi,
    I love, love, love the Scotty dog.
    Enjoy your Christmas!

  22. Good for you for repurposing all those items, so much better than having them clutter up your cupboards. The blanket is fab, I love the combo of colours and different stitches - it makes it bright and breezy! I had to admire the neatness of your blanket stitch around the little scotty dog, so tidy!
    Hugs LLJ xx

    1. I’d rather find a home for something than throw it out x

  23. That is the prettiest blanket, Cheryl. Such pretty colors. I smiled when I read this post because me and Jess are going through the same thing as you right now. It's so hard for her to give things away, but we both have a small space and have to downsize. I think it's great that you are trying to sell your items first. I usually don't bother with it and give stuff away. The little Scottie dog is precious, and with the sweet smell of lavender.

    Enjoy the Christmas season. It's the most wonderful time of year. It's always such a pleasure to visit with you.


  24. Love the little scottie dogs! So cute.

    I have trouble letting things go. There are some things I can let go of easily such as clothes but find it tough to get rid of crafty stuff and books. I suppose there could be worse things!

  25. What a wonderful blanket you found. I'm glad you were able to finish it as it's too lovely to stay in a cupboard.
    I love the dog, he is very cute, I'm sure people will love to have these as gifts. Handmade with love and care.
    I don't know where the time goes. Since increasing the days I work from 3 to 4 I have found balancing everything quite tricky. A serious rethink is needed I think.
    Lisa x

  26. Love the blanket, bunting and little scotties! Your decluttering before xmas is a great idea. X


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