Sunday, 27 May 2018

Flying Through May

What a lovely month it's been, we've had a good amount of sunshine, the garden is starting to bloom, we have a new little friend and there was even a royal wedding.

Little Zackary (who is actually not so little now) is 9 months old and all over the place. We've bought him a little push along walker to play with when his here and he loves it. I don't think it's going to be long before this wee munchkin is running all over the place.

Our house is looking a bit like a nursery, we have a highchair and a pushchair as well as plenty of toys (though his favourite appears be an empty water bottle). We were going to pass along the bouncy chair we used, but have been informed that we may need it again in a year or two, so I think it'll be going into the loft.

The garden is starting to come into it's own. I took a photo of the Alliums last week and our new Honeysuckle.

The difference between the garden just from last week and this week is quite amazing, so much colour is appearing all over the place. The dogs are enjoying the cushions being out on the chairs again.

As well as spending time in the garden (I've managed to get through quite a few books recently), we've also been venturing out and about and just having a jolly good time browsing garden centres and enjoying a cup of tea or coffee in different places along with the odd lunchtime bite

and a little bit of craft shopping. These felt sheets are 3mm thick so ideal for felting pictures.

My favourite thing about May though, has to be the addition to our family of a little feathered friend, a budgie we've called Petey.

We've thought about having a budgie for a while, but when I see them in shops I always worry that you don't know how old they are and it's unlikely they're used to being handled. On our way to Hornsea one day we saw a sign saying baby budgies, so we went to have a look. I fell in love with Petey straight away and it was reassuring seeing where he came from. Petey has settled in well

Andrew's doing some DIY today and Imogen has some friends coming over later this evening so they can enjoy burning their revision papers from the exams they've finished (they're halfway through taking their GCSEs, 2 more weeks when they go back to school after half term, then freedom... until September when they enter 6th form). I think I'm going to make the most of the garden for now, catch up with some blog reading and do a bit of crochet, ah bliss.

Take care


  1. Hi, A delightful post this afternoon. Petey is so sweet! Congrats. Your grandson is growing; won't be long until he is walking. Precious pic of your doggies, too. It is nice to enjoy the colorful blooms currently. Enjoy your crochet.

    1. Zackary’s been walking around the furniture for a while now, so will be walking soon x

  2. You are getting a managerie like us, including a chihuahua. Our birds are chickens of course.

    1. It it does feel like it, but I do love our animals, my dream would have been to have a small holding with animals x

  3. Sounds like all is well at your house.
    Wow can't believe how big Zackary is already.
    Petey is so cute.

    1. Zack has really grown, it must be those hollow legs he has x

  4. Oh, just look at little Zackary. There will be no stopping him before long.
    The weather has been glorious hasn't it, and from the look of your photographs you've really been making the most of it. Long may it last.
    Petey looks very cute, but I confess I have a bit of a fear of budgies. I think it comes from an childhood friend owning one and it used to fly around the house and land on my head. I was terrified it would poop on me! I'm sure Petey will be far better behaved. X

    1. Oh dear, I hope he is better behaved than that, he is rather cute. I do hope this weather is here to stay x

  5. Your Alliums are amazing. Little Zachary is growing up so fast!
    May is such a lovely month with temperatures not too hot yet and the garden just bursting with new blooms every day.

    1. It is lovely weather to be sat outside in, not too hot and often with a gentle breeze x

  6. Hi,
    Petey is sweet indeed. I can see why you loved him at first sight.
    My garden season is here too. :-) Fun! Fun!

    1. It’s good for the soul to be in the garden, watching everything bursting into bloom for the summer x

  7. May has raced by hasn't it Cheryl....won't be long before I am fetching out the Christmas
    I love looking at birds but couldn't have one in the house as I am scared of them flapping about. Petey is a very handsome little boy.....and look at Zachary....gosh he is growing.

    1. We’re nearly half way through the year, it’s just too fast isn’t it! Oh my goodness, did you mention Christmas x

  8. Hi Cheryl! OH my goodness! Such a cute grand AND a cute little birdie! He's perfect!

    1. Thank you, there is a lot of cuteness isn’t there

  9. Your little Zackary is so sweet. He is growing quickly isn't he. Sweet little budgie. It looks as if Petey has settled in famously. Your garden is looking a treat. How lovely you now have lots of sunshine to enjoy.

    1. I do hope this sunshine lasts, everything seems so much brighter when the sun is shining x

  10. How can that little one be nine months old already? They move so fast once they get up on their legs. And welcome Petey, you are adorable.

    1. I know, hasn’t it just whizzed past and babies change so much so quickly x

  11. What a lovely newsy post. It won't be long before Zackary's off and then you'll need eyes in the back of your head, he seems to have grown so fast though they don't stay babies for long, do they? The alliums look fabulous, mine are flowering at the moment too, one stray white one in the middle of all the purple ones. Awww, I always like to see photos of your dogs, they look so cute curled up together. Petey is so cute too. We've had lots of different animals over the years but never a budgie though I've often looked at them in the pet shop and fancied one. Petey is just the colour I'd have chosen too. Are you teaching him to talk? Good luck to Imogen for her GCSEs, it's such a stressful time for them but at least she's got a nice long summer break afterwards.

    1. All of our alliums are purple, I’d love to have some white ones too. I’d looked at the in pet shops too, I do recommend getting one from a breeder if you ever decide to, Petey is quite tame because he was used to being handled. Imogen can’t wait for it to be over and for her summer to begin x

  12. What beautiful Alliums. I have never succeeded with them.

  13. Dear Cheryl
    Gorgeous alliums - they are doing really well this year, I think. Zack is growing up so fast, isn't he? Love little Petey too - he's so sweet.
    Best wishes

    1. I do love alliums, they beautiful in bloom and dried too x

  14. Hi Cheryl, Petey looks so sweet, and your grandson is adorable. You sound very happy and grounded in your garden. Enjoy your reading and's so pretty outside these days.

    1. I think being in the garden is one of my favourite things, good for the soul x

  15. Your little grandson is adorable! Aren't grandchildren such fun? And, you have the cutest little dogs. Your garden looks like it's coming along so nice in the warm spring weather. Sounds like fun going to the garden center for coffee. We have one a few miles from our home but it offers meals; I wish it was more of a coffee shop setting. Petey looks like he's quite happy in his new home. He's so cute. Pat xx

    1. I love being a grandmother, the joy our little grandson brings is indescribable x

  16. Zachary sure is cute. I'm glad you get to spend so much time with him. My little Francesca is already six months old, and she had her Baptism last weekend. That's so nice that you have many things for the baby at your home. My house is so small, that I usually just carry her around when she visits, but I love it. The alliums are so pretty in your garden, such a pretty color. Petey is cute, and he reminds me of my childhood bird. Yes, May is the busiest month with many happenings going on, and my favorite month. Enjoy the rest of the May days.


    1. We look after Zack 3x a week so it’s been useful to have a high chair and pushchair here, I love being a nanny x

  17. Time flies when you're having fun! Your grandson is a cutie! I'm also admiring the pretty purple flowers. Thank you for the visit. Earl Grey is one of my favourite blends. Sometimes I like to try exotic Earl Grey teas that are blended with lavender or mango!

    1. I haven’t been very brave with trying different blends, perhaps I should be a little more adventurous x

  18. Zachary is growing up so very fast Cheryl. What a wee pet he is! Its lovely to see signs of spring in your photos as we have had the coldest frost ever this morning. Your garden is looking very pretty.

    1. I know, it’s hard to believe he was just his mummy’s bump this time last year. It’s funny how we’re just entering summer as you look towards winter x

  19. Our grandchildren are growing at an alarming rate aren't they (I think Zachery and Bonnie were born within a week or so of each other?). I like how you grouped your Alliums together, I wish I had done that, i will put some more in for next year so will try and remember to plant like that.

    1. Yes they are close in age, this year has whizzed by, though I think they all do now days. I do love the alliums, I wouldn’t mind some white ones too, but I don’t think there’s much room left x

  20. Lots happening with you!
    Welcome to Petey, what a sweet little budgie he is.
    It's great being able to get out in the garden isn't it, I do like your white fence edging.
    I bet Zak is whizzing all over the place with the help of his new walker and bringing much delight as he does so!
    Lisa x

  21. What a lovely post ... you've had a busy time recently.
    Lovely to see young Zack, what a joy grand-children are.
    Your new budgie Petey looks very sweet.

    Your alliums are fantastic, what a gorgeous colour.

    Enjoy the rest of May, can you believe another few days and we will be into June!

    All the best Jan

  22. Your aliums do look pretty, we planted some but I think the squirrel enjoyed them too! We only had 3 come up :-(


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