The garden has been looking a bit scruffy, it's that time of year when the pots are past their best and we've lost the colour from the summer flowers.
So a spot of gardening was in order, a bit of tidying up, replanting, bringing back some colour to our neglected patch.
Something to look at through the kitchen window...
A little burst of sunshine...
I love a bit of ivy, it seems to look nice with everything, and hasn't minded being moved around from one place to another.
The garden looks much nicer and I'm hoping we'll still get quite a bit of use out of it while the weather stays so mild.
Of course there has been some crochet happening too, also in the tidy up vein! Our dining room table is looking a bit shabby around the legs, courtesy of some wee doggies when they were younger, so I made it some socks!
The scruffy bits have been hidden, mission accomplished!
Time for a rest... after sorting out the laundry. Washing machine and tumble dyer doors must be kept closed while not in use, and thoroughly checked for pussy kittens before using!
Don't they look cute curled up asleep together...
Take care
So a spot of gardening was in order, a bit of tidying up, replanting, bringing back some colour to our neglected patch.
Something to look at through the kitchen window...
A little burst of sunshine...
I love a bit of ivy, it seems to look nice with everything, and hasn't minded being moved around from one place to another.
The garden looks much nicer and I'm hoping we'll still get quite a bit of use out of it while the weather stays so mild.
Of course there has been some crochet happening too, also in the tidy up vein! Our dining room table is looking a bit shabby around the legs, courtesy of some wee doggies when they were younger, so I made it some socks!
Time for a rest... after sorting out the laundry. Washing machine and tumble dyer doors must be kept closed while not in use, and thoroughly checked for pussy kittens before using!
Don't they look cute curled up asleep together...
Take care